이정재, 워싱턴 포스터지 인터뷰 내용...ㄷㄷㄷ


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이정재, 워싱턴 포스터지 인터뷰 내용...ㄷㄷㄷ

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헉짤-헉 감탄사가 절로 나오는 짤 -이정재, 워싱턴 포스터지 인터뷰 내용...ㄷㄷㄷ-1번 이미지

“The ’80s in Korea was when we had the rapidest growth ever,” says Lee. “But democracy didn’t grow as much because there was a military dictatorship and the media was under full control of the government. So I did hear a lot from the older generation and my parents about those government controls. I also witnessed myself college protests.”

“A lot of people told me that I should change the setting to now,” Lee said, speaking through an interpreter. “But in the ’80s, there was a lot of control of information and people were trying to benefit from fake information and misinformation. I think that still exists now in 2022. Still there are groups that try to benefit from these controls of information and propaganda.

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